8.5. AddBiomechancs solves inverse dynamics and improves your life

8.5. AddBiomechancs solves inverse dynamics and improves your life

Inverse Kinematics (IK) and Inverse Dynamics (ID) are two of the most common workflows used in biomechanics as joint angles and moments can provide insight into coordination of a movement. Measurement and modeling errors both contribute to errors during ID called residuals, which are additional forces and torques needed to account for inconsistencies in the dynamics of the simulation when fitting both marker and external force data. In this tutorial, you will use tools in OpenSim and AddBiomechanics to analyze the sources of these errors and ways to improve ID results. You can get started at: https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8443/display/OpenSim/Computing+Joint+Moments+with+Experimental+Data